Photos from Wayne R. Johnston, 1st Battalion 6th Infantry, US Army, Vietnam 1970-71

The first ten photos were taken in Vietnam, but were "lost" for 32 years.

The "Repo Depot" for new replacements at Chu Lai.  Photo taken from the BOQ hut looking toward the movie screen.

1LT Wayne R. Johnston,  C/1-6 Inf, late Nov 1970.

Dai Loc, December 1970.

Soldiers from 3/C/1-6 at Nui Pho Tinh, Thanksgiving 1970

Dai Loc, December 1970.  Soldiers from 4/C/1-6 Inf.

The steep sided hill at Nui Pho Tinh rises above the ruins of an old French church.   The lookout tower is barely visible on top of Nui Pho Tinh.