Photos provided by Dennis Linn (B/1-6 1970-71) not used elsewhere on 1st Bn 6th Inf web site
Most of the 30 small photos on this page are less than than 8 k in size.   (
Hawley & Arnspiger on resupply mission Arnspiger in UH1 UH1 on pad at Chu Lai

Bob Dunn in company area, Chu Lai Clyde Hall in company area Larry McMahan at orderly room

Jesse Stout in company area Gene Arnspiger  in company area Unknown in company area

Clyde Hall in unit orderly room Gene Arnspiger at Army Regulations Larry McMahan in orderly room

Beach at Chu Lai, looking S to guard  Beach at Chu Lai, looking N to HQ Beach at Chu Lai, looking S to Batangan

Hardy, Hawley, Linn at Chu Lai Ledger & Linn on resupply pad Sieverson in field

Filling canteens at Tam Hoi Filling canteens at Tam Hoi Soldiers at An Thinh pacification ville

Coke girl at pacification ville KCS taks a break KCS at pacification ville

Two girls at pacification ville Mia at An Thinh Sgt Battett with Vietnamese girl

Sgt Mike with Vietnamese vendor Soldiers with the barber at ville Gener Arnspiger

River crossing at Van Thien pacificaiton ville Clyde Hall in company area

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