OFF LINE CD VERSION

This off line version of the 1st Battalion 6th Infantry web site contains hundreds of official and unofficial
photos of soldiers from the unit and the places and operations they encountered in Vietnam.  The former
soldiers who contributed the photos have been identified, and email addresses have been provided or
are available.

The best way to view these photos is by using the photo index in the frame at the left.  It is not necessary
to use the browser back arrow before making another selection from the photo index.

Note:  The 1st Battalion 6th Infantry Vietnam era web site was designed initially to function on line.  The
decision to implement the web site in an off line CD version was not made until after the site was over two
years old.  In early versions of the off line CD, the only links that operated were those selected from the
main index pages (e.g. 0HomePage1-6Inf.html, cdPhotoframe.html, cdHistoryframe.html, . . . etc).
Because of the extremely large numbers of links that had to be changed on individual pages, your volunteer
web master decided not to change links on individual html pages that ordinarily did not function as index
pages.  Consequently, if you select a link from most of the regular (i.e. non index) html pages on this CD,
your browser may attempt to link to the web as though it were on line rather than looking for a rapid loading
html file from the CD.  CD links are shown in normal type, while on line links are italicized.  Subsequent
versions of the CD may have many more operational links from individual pages.

Many of these pages were designed to be printed for use in a scrapbook.  Other pages, however, may
insert page breaks at awkward places for such a use.  Later versions of the CD may correct some of these